work health & safety policy
GRS fully understands that going over and above what typical companies offer in managing our work health, safety and environmental (HSE) responsibilities is not only essential, but paramount to our beliefs as an organisation and is at the core of everything we do. We believe this will enable us to be at the forefront in staffing solutions for the CMT FIFO industry and to ensure that all our stakeholders including staff, clients and the local community are cared for and thus allowing us to deliver on our statement "Redefining Recruitment".
Our Zero Harm Goal
Our aim is to at all times, conduct our business in a way that protects our staff, clients, visitors and the general public from harm by committing to:
Providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and illness appropriate to the purpose, size and context of the organisation and nature of HSE risks and HSE opportunities.
The eradication of hazards and reducing HSE risks.
Active consultation and encouraged staff involvement and participation of employees.
Improving on a foundation of compliance with applicable HSE legislation, standards and other requirements.
Establishing and achieving goals and objectives that promote continual improvement in HSE performance and the HSE management system.
Communicating and engaging with our workforce, clients and business partners to enable everyone to fulfil their HSE responsibilities and participate effectively in protecting themselves, others and the protection of the environment through continuous improvement of our processes and services.
Our HSE Approach
GRS’ approach to HSE is where we see our point of difference from other companies. Supporting, nurturing and observing our workforce both physical and mental wellbeing, providing the tools and resources to maximise both productivity, motivation and general happiness in the workplace.
Our wellness programme initiative allows us to both monitor the wellbeing of our staff and actively encourages open dialogue to minimise the negative effects of the isolated FIFO lifestyle.
Our Commitment to Implementation
To make HSE part of every job, every day, all GRS employees, subcontractors and sub-consultants are required to comply with this GRS Policy as below:
Take personal responsibility for HSE in all daily activities.
Stop and seek guidance if he or she believes what they are doing could cause harm.
Understand and follow all relevant HSE requirements.
Support colleagues, work collaboratively and share information to prevent harm.
Report incidents and concerns.